Robert’s Corner “Hope, during and after Covid-19” Part 1
Thu, May 21
Today on Robert’s Corner. I talk about hope and why it’s important for our recovery during and after a storm like Covid-19. Hope is seen like something that happens after a storm takes a positive turn forward. However, not always the case for how things are today.

Time & Location
May 21, 2020, 1:00 AM EDT
About the event
Today on Robert’s Corner. I talk about hope and why it’s important for our recovery during and after a storm like Covid-19. Hope is seen like something that happens after a storm takes a positive turn forward. However, not always the case for how things are today.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional so if you are in crisis please seek professional medical attention.
I always like starting my episodes with a quote
The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill
Perception is an interesting thing. I said this in a previous episode that someone’s good news is someone’s bad news. This month is Mental health Month and being a facilitator for NAMI we know the last principle of support “ We never give up hope”. I find hope very useful in times of crisis and in the day today. The idea of hope is fundamentally healing. It was a huge step to say that I am actually looking forward to what next.
Next week we will continue this journey deeper in hope and its impact on us, during and after the storm
Storm being covid-19
Remember to check out the Revive Ministries Podcast on the website for all new episodes at
This Month is Mental Health Month and Revive Ministries Podcast has a initiative to collect short clip videos of people all around the world answering the question “Why Should We Care about Mental Health?” send your videos to reviveministriesfl@gmail.com use the subject line #WHYSHOULDWECARE
Any other questions of what Revive Ministries Podcast is planning for Mental Health Month please email us at the same address reviveministriesfl@gmail.com
Thank you for listening Goodbye for now from Revive Ministries Podcast
I will leave you with this quote.
“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson